Zinc Data File Version 4.0 UI_ICON UI_BITMAP UIW_WINDOW UI_HPP UI_CPP5 UI_HELP9 UI_MESSAGE= DERIVE_TABLE APPLICATION ASTERISK EXCLAMATION QUESTION LSERVER LTREE PASSWORD_WINDOW RESULTS_WINDOW CONFIRM_WINDOW FIND_WINDOW MAIN_WINDOW ADVANCED_WINDOW PASSWORD_WINDOW@ PassHelpFunction Change Password FIELD_1@ &Change password for: PASS_SERVER_LISTD NUMID_VT_SCROLL$ FIELD_3@ &Enter new password: CHANGE_PASS_STRINGD FIELD_16@ &Retype new password: RETYPE_PASS_STRINGD OK_BUTTONA PasswordCheckFunction! PASS_CANCEL_BUTTONA PasswordQuit! Cancel PASS_HELP_BUTTONA PassHelpFunction! &Help FIND_WINDOW@ FIND_PROMPT@ &Search: FIND_STRINGD SearchString FIND_LISTD NUMID_VT_SCROLL$ SortNames OK_BTNA CANCEL_BTNA Cancel HELP_BTNA &Help SEARCHING_PROMPT@ Searching... CONFIRM_TEXT CONFIRM_WINDOW@ Confirm NUMID_GEOMETRY YES_BUTTON YesFunction! NO_BUTTON NoFunctio RESULTS_WINDOW@ Login Results NUMID_GEOMETRY CLOSE_BTNA LoginQuit! &Close RESULTS_LISTT NUMID_C_SCROLL& NUMID_VT_SCROLL$ NUMID_HZ_SCROLL& Connection TREE_RB@ TreeRBFunction@ &Tree: TREE_COMBO@ TreeComboFunction TREE_LIST FIND_TREE_BTNA FindServerTree LTREE SERVER_RB@ ServerRBFunction@ S&erver: SERVER_COMBO@ ServerComboFunction SERVER_LIST FIND_SERVER_BTNA FindServerTree LSERVER BINDERY_CB@ BinderyCBFunction &Bindery connection FIELD_4096@ C&ontext: CONTEXT_COMBO@ CONTEXT_LIST CLEAR_CONNECTIONS_CB@ &Clear current connections SCRIPT_TAB &Script SCRIPT_PROMPT@ L&ogin Script: SCRIPT_COMBO@ SCRIPT_LIST PROFILE_PROMPT@ &Profile Script: PROFILE_COMBO@ PROFILE_LIST RUN_SCRIPTS_CB@ &Run scripts AUTO_CLOSE_CB@ Clo&se script results automatically VARIABLES_TAB &Variables FIELD_4096@ Login script variables: FIELD_4097@ FIELD_4098@ FIELD_4099@ FIELD_4100@ VARIABLE_2D VariableCheck VARIABLE_3D VariableCheck VARIABLE_4D VariableCheck VARIABLE_5D VariableCheck ADVANCED_WINDOW@ Title is in NW_STRINGS message Table under MSG_TITLE NUMID_GEOMETRY OK_BTNA LoginOK! CANCEL_BTNA LoginQuit! Cancel HELP_BTNA &Help NOTEBOOK_WINDOW@ MAIN_NOTEBOOK LOGIN_TAB &Login ADVANCED_NAME@ &Name: NAME_STRINGD SetOkayButton ADVANCED_PASSWORD@ &Password: PASSWORD_STRINGD FIELD_15@ Logging into NetWare using: SERVER_PROMPT@ TREE_BTNA LTREE SERVER_BTNA LSERVER CONNECTION_TAB MAIN_WINDOW@ Title is in NW_STRINGS message Table under MSG_TITLE FIELD_12@ &Name: NAME_STRINGD SetOkayButton FIELD_13@ &Password: PASSWORD_STRINGD OK_BTNA LoginOK! CANCEL_BNTA LoginQuit! Cancel HELP_BTNA &Help SERVER_PROMPTA FIELD_11@ Logging into NetWare using: TREE_BTNA LTREE SERVER_BTNA LSERVER HELP_CONTEXTS PASSWORD_WINDOW RESULTS_WINDOW CONFIRM_WINDOW FIND_WINDOW MAIN_WINDOW NW_VERSION NWLG_UI_MESSAGES ADVANCED_WINDOW DERIVED_OBJECTn const UI_HELP_CONTEXT ADVANCED_HELP = 0x0003; // Help for the advanced window of NetWare Login` const UI_HELP_CONTEXT PASSWORD_HELP = 0x0004; // Password help for NetWare Login^ const UI_HELP_CONTEXT SIMPLE_HELP = 0x0005; // Simple help for NetWare Login const ZIL_NUMBERID FIELD_1 = 0x000E;= const ZIL_NUMBERID PASS_SERVER_LIST = 0x000D;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FIELD_3 = 0x000F;= const ZIL_NUMBERID CHANGE_PASS_STRING = 0x0005;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FIELD_16 = 0x0010;= const ZIL_NUMBERID RETYPE_PASS_STRING = 0x0006;= const ZIL_NUMBERID OK_BUTTON = 0x0007;= const ZIL_NUMBERID PASS_CANCEL_BUTTON = 0x0008;= const ZIL_NUMBERID PASS_HELP_BUTTON = 0x0009; const ZIL_NUMBERID FIND_PROMPT = 0x0001;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FIND_STRING = 0x0002;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FIND_LIST = 0x0003;= const ZIL_NUMBERID OK_BTN = 0x0004;= const ZIL_NUMBERID CANCEL_BTN = 0x0005;= const ZIL_NUMBERID HELP_BTN = 0x0006;= const ZIL_NUMBERID SEARCHING_PROMPT = 0x0007; const ZIL_NUMBERID YES_BUTTON = 0x0002;= const ZIL_NUMBERID NO_BUTTON = 0x0003;= const ZIL_NUMBERID CONFIRM_TEXT = 0x000B; const ZIL_NUMBERID DONT_TRANSLATE_THIS = 0x0001; const ZIL_NUMBERID CLOSE_BTN = 0x0002;= const ZIL_NUMBERID RESULTS_LIST = 0x0008; const ZIL_NUMBERID APP_TITLE = 0x0001;= const ZIL_NUMBERID PASSWORDS_DO_NOT_MATCH = 0x0002;= const ZIL_NUMBERID SHUTDOWN_BUTTON = 0x0003; TREE_COMBO = 0x1003;= const ZIL_NUMBERID TREE_LIST = 0x1004;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FIND_TREE_BTN = 0x1003;= const ZIL_NUMBERID SERVER_RB = 0x0014;= const ZIL_NUMBERID SERVER_COMBO = 0x1003;= const ZIL_NUMBERID SERVER_LIST = 0x1004;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FIND_SERVER_BTN = 0x1004;= const ZIL_NUMBERID BINDERY_CB = 0x1003;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FIELD_4096 = 0x1000;= const ZIL_NUMBERID CONTEXT_COMBO = 0x1000;= const ZIL_NUMBERID CONTEXT_LIST = 0x1001;= const ZIL_NUMBERID CLEAR_CONNECTIONS_CB = 0x1003;= const ZIL_NUMBERID SCRIPT_TAB = 0x0006;= const ZIL_NUMBERID SCRIPT_PROMPT = 0x1006;= const ZIL_NUMBERID SCRIPT_COMBO = 0x1003;= const ZIL_NUMBERID SCRIPT_LIST = 0x1004;= const ZIL_NUMBERID PROFILE_PROMPT = 0x1007;= const ZIL_NUMBERID PROFILE_COMBO = 0x1005;= const ZIL_NUMBERID PROFILE_LIST = 0x1006;= const ZIL_NUMBERID RUN_SCRIPTS_CB = 0x100A;= const ZIL_NUMBERID AUTO_CLOSE_CB = 0x1009;= const ZIL_NUMBERID VARIABLES_TAB = 0x1003;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FIELD_4096 = 0x1000;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FIELD_4097 = 0x1001;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FIELD_4098 = 0x1002;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FIELD_4099 = 0x1003;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FIELD_4100 = 0x1004;= const ZIL_NUMBERID VARIABLE_2 = 0x1005;= const ZIL_NUMBERID VARIABLE_3 = 0x1006;= const ZIL_NUMBERID VARIABLE_4 = 0x1007;= const ZIL_NUMBERID VARIABLE_5 = 0x1008; const ZIL_NUMBERID OK_BTN = 0x000A;= const ZIL_NUMBERID CANCEL_BTN = 0x000B;= const ZIL_NUMBERID HELP_BTN = 0x000C;= const ZIL_NUMBERID NOTEBOOK_WINDOW = 0x0001;= const ZIL_NUMBERID MAIN_NOTEBOOK = 0x0002;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FIELD_4096 = 0x1000;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FIELD_4097 = 0x1001;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FIELD_4098 = 0x1002;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FIELD_4099 = 0x1003;= const ZIL_NUMBERID LOGIN_TAB = 0x0001;= const ZIL_NUMBERID ADVANCED_NAME = 0x0011;= const ZIL_NUMBERID NAME_STRING = 0x000D;= const ZIL_NUMBERID ADVANCED_PASSWORD = 0x0012;= const ZIL_NUMBERID PASSWORD_STRING = 0x000E;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FIELD_15 = 0x000F;= const ZIL_NUMBERID SERVER_PROMPT = 0x0010;= const ZIL_NUMBERID TREE_BTN = 0x1004;= const ZIL_NUMBERID SERVER_BTN = 0x1004;= const ZIL_NUMBERID CONNECTION_TAB = 0x0004;= const ZIL_NUMBERID TREE_RB = 0x0013;= const ZIL_NUMBERID= const ZIL_NUMBERID FIELD_12 = 0x0010;= const ZIL_NUMBERID NAME_STRING = 0x0001;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FIELD_13 = 0x0011;= const ZIL_NUMBERID PASSWORD_STRING = 0x0002;= const ZIL_NUMBERID OK_BTN = 0x0003;= const ZIL_NUMBERID CANCEL_BNT = 0x0004;= const ZIL_NUMBERID HELP_BTN = 0x0005;= const ZIL_NUMBERID SERVER_PROMPT = 0x000F;= const ZIL_NUMBERID FIELD_11 = 0x000E;= const ZIL_NUMBERID TREE_BTN = 0x0015;= const ZIL_NUMBERID SERVER_BTN = 0x0018; const ZIL_USER_OBJECTID ID_TRANSPARENT_PROMPT = 3500;; const ZIL_USER_OBJECTID ID_NW_COMBO = 3501;; const ZIL_USER_OBJECTID ID_NW_STRING = 3502;; const ZIL_USER_OBJECTID ID_NW_TEXT = 3504; MAIN_WINDOW! RESULTS_WINDOW% ADVANCED_WINDOW) PASSWORD_WINDOW- CONFIRM_WINDOW1 FIND_WINDOW OBJECTID USER_FUNCTION COMPARE_FUNCTION SetOkayButton LoginOK LoginQuit OBJECTID# USER_FUNCTION$ COMPARE_FUNCTION LoginQuit OBJECTID' USER_FUNCTION( COMPARE_FUNCTION LoginOK LoginQuit SetOkayButton TreeRBFunction TreeComboFunction FindServerTree ServerRBFunction ServerComboFunction FindServerTree BinderyCBFunction VariableCheck VariableCheck VariableCheck VariableCheck OBJECTID+ USER_FUNCTION, COMPARE_FUNCTION PassHelpFunction PasswordCheckFunction PasswordQuit PassHelpFunction OBJECTID/ USER_FUNCTION0 COMPARE_FUNCTION YesFunction NoFunction OBJECTID3 USER_FUNCTION4 COMPARE_FUNCTION SearchString SortNames ADVANCED_HELP7 PASSWORD_HELP8 SIMPLE_HELP Help for the advanced window of NetWare Login4 This is where the help for the advanced window goes. Password help for NetWare Login4 This is where the help for the password window goes. Simple help for NetWare Login2 This is where the help for the simple window goes. NWLG_MESSAGES: NW_VERSION; NWLG_UI_MESSAGES DONT_TRANSLATE_THIS VeRsIoN=BETA 1.4 APP_TITLE Novell NetWare Login b 1.4 PASSWORDS_DO_NOT_MATCH Passwords do not match SHUTDOWN_BUTTON &Shutdown E260_CONNECTION_TABLE_FULLA 260: The maximum number of server attachments has been reached.\n E250_CANT_SET_DRIVEE 250: This utility was unable to set the default drive to drive %c:.\n E922_INTRUDER_DETECTION_LOCK< 922: Intruder detection lockout has disabled this account.\n E665_NOT_SUPPORTED_EXIT_COMMANDO 665: The EXIT command followed by a string is not supported on this\nmachine.\n CHANGE_PASSWORD$ Do you want to change your password? ATTACHED You are attached to server %s.\n E295_CREATING_CONTEXT/ 295: This utility could not create a context.\n PROMPT_USER Enter your login name: E810_TOO_MANY_CHARS_IN_EXITd 810: An invalid string occurred in an EXIT command.\nThe string contained more than %d characters.\n MAPPINGS_TO_LOCAL_DISK Drives %s map to a local disk.\n PROMPT_PASSWORD Enter your password: E880_UNKNOWN_COMMANDP 880: An unknown, but correctly parsed,\ncommand was found in the login script.\n E180_BAD_FLOW_COMMAND= 180: The login script contains a misplaced control command.\n E560_NO_LABEL0 560: This utility could not find the label %s.\n E630_NO_SHELL' 630: The NetWare shell is not loaded.\n E973_UNI_NO_SUCH_FILE %s-%s-973: The Unicode table files cannot be found in the NLS directory\nor in the search path. Code Page: %03d Country: %03d\n E380_LINE_TOO_LONG 380: The line is too long.\n ANSWER_YES ANSWER_NO COPYRIGHT_MSGE CoPyRiGhT=(c) Copyright 1988-1994, Novell, Inc. All rights reserved. E100_ACCESS_DENIED 100: Access has been denied.\n E850_UNAUTHORIZED_STATION~ 850: You are trying to log in from an unauthorized station.\nThe supervisor has restricted the stations you may log in from.\n E860_UNAUTHORIZED_TIME~ 860: You are trying to log in during an unauthorized time period.\nThe supervisor has limited the times that you may log in.\n E830_TOO_MANY_CONNECTIONS 830: You are trying to log in to too many stations simultaneously.\nThe supervisor has limited the number of user connections you may have.\n E580_NO_MORE_GRACEE 580: Your password has expired and all grace logins have been used.\n W_LOGGED_IN_ON_GRACE8 You have %d grace logins left to change your password.\n E140_ACCOUNT_DISABLEDC 140: This account has expired or been disabled by the supervisor.\n E520_NO_CREDIT_LEFT+ 520: Your credit limit has been exceeded.\n E410_LOGIN_DISABLEDF 410: The supervisor has disabled the login function for this server.\n E500_NO_ACCOUNT_BALANCE* 500: You do not have an account balance.\n E550_NO_FREE_SERVER_CONNECTIONSt 550: The maximum number of connections allowed on this server has\nbeen reached. Wait until another user logs out.\n E890_UNKNOWN_SERVER' 890: The specified server is unknown.\n E610_NO_RESPONSE( 610: The file server does not respond.\n! E921_BINDERY_LOCKEDT 921: Either the supervisor has locked the bindery\n or volume SYS: is not mounted.\n" E920_CANT_GET_MEMORY> 920: This utility was unable to allocate %d bytes of memory.\n# E870_UNKNOWN_ATTACH_ERRORW 870: An unknown error was returned during LOGIN's attempt to attach.\nError code: %x.\n$ NEW_PASSWORD_1 Enter your new password: % NEW_PASSWORD_2 Retype your new password: & E530_NO_END_QUOTE& 530: The line contains no end quote.\n' W2050_NOT_TYPED_SAME1 2050: The new password was retyped incorrectly.\n( PASSWORD_CHANGED! Your password has been changed.\n) W2080_PASSWORD_TOO_SHORT& 2080: The new password is too short.\n* W2070_PASSWORD_NOT_UNIQUE2 2070: The new password has been used previously.\n+ E_INVALID_LINE \nThe original line was:\n%s\n\n, E710_PASSWORD_NOT_CHANGED5 710: The password could not be changed. Error %04x.\n- STILL_CHANGE_PASSWORD* Do you still want to change your password?. E290_COULD_NOT_LOGOUTM 290: This utility was unable to log you out,\n so you cannot be reattached.\n/ E280_COULDNT_GET_CONNECT_STATUS9 280: This utility could not get your connection status.\n0 E240_CANT_OPEN_SCRIPT6 240: This utility was unable to open script file %s.\n1 E_UNKNOWN_NAME * Unknown *2 E800_TOO_MANY_ARGSF 800: The number of script parameters exceeds the program limit (%d).\n3 FULL_MAPPED_PATH Drive %c: = %s\\%s \\%s\n4 E310_DATE_TIME6 310: The workstation date and time could not be set.\n5 E918_CANT_GET_CONNECTION_INFOP 918: This utility was unable to get connection information.\n Error code: %x.\n6 TIME_AM TIME_PM AFTERNOON afternoon9 EVENING evening: MORNING morning; DAY_THURS Thursday< DAY_SAT Saturday= DAY_WED Wednesday> MON_APRIL April? DAY_TUES Tuesday@ DAY_MON MondayA DAY_SUN SundayB MON_JULY JulyC MON_JANUARY JanuaryD MON_MAY MON_AUGUST AugustF MON_NOVEMBER NovemberG MON_MARCH MarchH MON_JUNE JuneI MON_DECEMBER DecemberK MON_SEPTEMBER SeptemberL MON_OCTOBER OctoberM MON_FEBRUARY FebruaryN E340_IFS_NESTED_TOO_DEEPK 340: IF statements are nested too deeply.\n The nesting limit is %u levels.O E320_DIVIDE_BY_ZEROC 320: An operator in the login script attempted to divide by zero.\nP PAUSE Strike any key when ready . . .Q DISK_LOCAL! Drive %c: maps to a local disk.\nR DISK_UNDEFINED Drive %c: is not defined.\nS DISPLAY_LAST_LOGIN_TIME Last login occurred at: %s.\nT SCRIPT_ERROR \nScript error: U E600_NO_PARSE/ 600: This utility could not interpret the line.V E700_PARSE_PATH% 700: The specified path is invalid.\nW E370_INVALID_SEARCH_DRIVE1 370: The specified search drive does not exist.\nX E975_UNI_TOO_MANY_FILES 975: The unicode table files can't be opened because there are\nalready too many open files.\nClose some files or modify your\nCONFIG.SYS file.\nY E720_PUTENVI 720: This utility could not add %s\nto the local environment variables.\nZ SERVER Server %s:\n[ E780_SPAWN_UNKNOWNP 780: This utility could not execute external program %s.\nError %04x occurred.\n\ E770_SPAWN_TOO_BIG~ 770: This utility could not execute external program %s.\nEither the environment is too big or the command line is too long.\n] E760_SPAWN_NOT_FOUNDV 760: This utility could not execute external program %s.\nThe program was not found.\n^ E740_SPAWN_NO_EXEC: 740: This utility could not execute external program %s.\n_ E750_SPAWN_NO_MEMj 750: This utility could not execute external program %s.\nYou do not have enough memory space available.\n` E480_MUST_BE_DOS31I 480: The %s command is not supported in DOS versions prior\nto DOS 3.1.\na E430_MAPh 430: The following drive mapping operation could not be completed.\n [%s]\nThe error code was %04x.\nb E790_STRING_TABLE' 790: The parser string table is full.\nc PROMPT_ATTACH_SERVER Enter the server name: d PROMPT_ATTACH_USER% Enter your login name for server %s: e PROMPT_ATTACH_PASSWORD- Enter the password for user %s on server %s: f E470_MAP_PATH= 470: The specified drive mapping is an invalid path:\n (%s)\ng E905_INVALID_COUNTRYE 905: This utility was unable to initialize the country information.\nh E972_UNI_NO_PERMISSION0 972: Access to unicode table files was denied.\ni E440_MAP_BAD_DRIVE7 440: The operation was attempted on an invalid drive.\nj E923_UNEXPECTED_ERROR5 923: An unexpected error has occurred: %u (%04.4x).\nk E970_UNI_LOAD_FAILED: 970: The attempt to open the unicode table files failed.\nl E287_COULD_NOT_FIND_PREFERRED8 287: This utility could not find the preferred server.\nm LOGGED_OUT You have been logged out.n E130_ACCESS_DENIED_LOGGED_OUT; 130: Access has been denied and you have been logged out.\np E450_MAP_NO_ROOM_IN_VECTOR[ 450: This utility was unable to map:\n [%s]\nThe limit of 16 search drives was exceeded.\nq DAY_FRI Fridayr E974_UNI_RULES_CORRUPT- 974: The unicode table files are corrupted.\ns E285_COULDNT_FIND_NET_DRIVE* 285: A network drive could not be found.\nt DIRECTORY_SERVICES' \nDirectory Services tree: %s\nUser: %su PASSWORD_NOT_CHANGED_DS5 The password for %s was not changed on the network.\nv E283_COULDNT_GET_PREFERRED_DS` 283: This utility could not get the preferred\n Directory Services name or connection ID.\nw PASSWORD_CHANGED_DS' The password for %s has been changed.\nx FULL_DS_MAPPED_PATH Drive %c: = %s \\%s\ny FULL_DS_SEARCH_PATH S%d: = %.*Fs [%s \\%s]\nz SINGLE_MAP_TO_LOCAL_DISK Drive %s maps to a local disk.\n{ VERSION_MSG VeRsIoN=4.2| E730_SET_CONTEXT_VALIDATEQ 730: The context [%s] is invalid.\nYour current context will be left unchanged.\n} E215_CANONICALIZEa 215: An internal system error occurred during LOGIN's attempt to\ncanonicalize the context: (%s).~ E725_READ_OBJECTINFO} 725: The context you want to change to does not exist.\nyou tried to change to:\n[%s]\nYour context will be left unchanged.\n SEARCH_DRIVE_MESSAGE% ----- Search Drives -----\n CONTEXT_CHANGED& Your context has been changed to: %s\n E460_MAP_NO_SERVERc 460: The server that you attempted to map a drive to\nis not accessible.\nThe map command was %s.\n ATTEMPTING_AUTHENTICATION Authenticating to server %s.\n CURRENT_CONTEXT Your current context is %s\n INVALID_CONTEXT The context %s is invalid.\n W2040_NO_GRACE_LEFT^ 2040: This is your last chance to change your password.\nYou have no grace logins remaining.\n W2030_PASSWORD_EXPIRED: 2030: The password for user %s on server %s has expired.\n CURRENT_TREE Your current tree is: %s\n E_TREE_NOT_FOUND> 115: The selected tree (%s) cannot be found. Error code: %x.\n E210_CANNOT_LOGOUTM 210: This server is being used to read login scripts.\n You cannot log out.\n E_TREE_ATTACH_DIFFZ 110: You are already in a tree and cannot attach to another tree.\nCurrent tree name: %s\n E_TREE_ATTACH_SAMEL 105: You are trying to attach to your current tree.\nCurrent tree name: %s\n NDS_TO_BINDERY_ATTACHMENT^ The server %s is not in the current\ndirectory tree and will have a bindery attachment made.\n E895_USER_NOT_IN_CONTEXT8 895: The user does not exist in the specified context.\n W_LOGIN_TO_SERVER_CONTEXTp The user specified does not exist in this context.\nLogin will try to find the user in the server context.\n%s\n E971_UNI_NO_MEMORYT 971: The workstation does not have enough memory to load the unicode\ntable files.\n W_CHANGE_TO_SERVER_CONTEXT3 The default name context has been changed to:\n%s\n SWAP_FILE_ERR Login could not create a temporary swap file in the current swap directory:\n%s\n\nYou may enter a path to create the swap file or press Esc\nto not execute this external program.\n\n SWAP_FILE_PATH: Enter a path for the swap file in the form:\n\rC:\\dir\\ : AUTHEN_ERROR_TRYING_BINDERY[ Login was unable to authenticate and will now try connecting as bindery.\nError code: %x.\n NOT_SUPPORTED_E_MAIL2 Novell's E-Mail is not supported on this platform. ATTACH_BINDERY_MODEL Login is unable to make a DS attachment and will try a bindery attachment.\n W2032_PASSWORD_EXPIRED_DS- 2032: The password for user %s has expired.\n E920_LOW_MEMORY0 920: This utility does not have enough memory.\n E241_CANT_OPEN_PROFILE_SCRIPT9 241: This utility was unable to open profile script %s.\n PASSWORD_USER_SAMEh The use of a user name as a password is a potential security problem.\nPlease select another password.\n E680_NOT_SUPPORTED_SEARCH_DRIVE4 680: This platform does not support search drives.\n E925_CONNECTION_IS_PNWg 925: This function is not supported on Personal NetWare servers.\nUse the Personal NetWare utilities.\n ALIAS_LOGIN_NAME Alias login as: %s\n E640_NOT_A_NNS_UTILITY 640: Server %s is part of domain %s.\nThis version of LOGIN is not a NetWare Name Service utility and cannot \nsynchronize passwords in a domain.\nUse the NetWare Name Service utility SETPASS to change your password.\n CHANGE_ANYWAY] \nDo you want to change your password even though\nit will not be synchronized in the domain? E650_NOT_SUPPORTED_COMSPEC> 650: The COMSPEC variable is not supported on this platform.\n E660_NOT_SUPPORTED_DOS_BREAK? 660: The DOS BREAK command is not supported on this platform.\n E670_NOT_SUPPORTED_MACHINE_NAMEC 670: The variable MACHINE NAME is not supported on this platform.\n LANGUAGE LaNgUaGe=English (English) E200_CANNOT_CHANGE_LOCAL_DRIVES2 200: The MAP command cannot change local drives.\n PASSWORD_NOT_CHANGED% Your password has not been changed.\n E903_INVALID_SYNTAXD 903: The command line syntax is invalid.\nFor help, type LOGIN /?.\n WELCOME_MSG Novell NetWare W_LOGGED_IN_ON_GRACE_17 You have %d grace login left to change your password.\n SEARCH_DRIVE_NUMBER Search drive %d.\n STILL_CHANGE- Do you still want to change the search drive? E400_LOCAL_TARGETX 400: A network drive cannot be mapped to a drive\nthat is designated as a local drive.\n E915_NO_VOL3 915: The specified volume does not exist:\n [%s]\n E924_ALL_DRIVES_IN_USE 924: All drives are in use.\n E690_OUT_OF_ENV_SPACEj 690: Insufficient memory is available to add the variable to the\npath environment in mapping:\n [%s]\n DISPLAY_NON_NETWORK_PATH S%d: = %.*Fs\n DIRECTORY_UNMAPPEDF The directory for drive %c: was deleted and the mapping was removed.\n FULL_SEARCH_PATH S%d: = %.*Fs [%s\\%s \\%s]\n STILL_ATTACH" Do you still want to log in as %s? E919_CANT_GET_CONNECTION_LISTD 919: This utility could not create a connection list. Error %0.4x.\n SYNC_THESE_SERVERS8 \nDo you want to synchronize passwords on these servers? E220_CANT_INCLUDE_SCRIPT) 220: Script file %s cannot be included.\n E150_AUTHENTICATINGD 150: You could not be authenticated to server %s.\nError code: %x.\n ALREADY_LOGGED_IN6 \nYou are already logged in to server %s as user %s.\n ALREADY_LOGGED_NETWORK8 \nYou are already logged in to the network as user %s.\n E840_UNABLE_TO_SET_CONTEXT7 840: This utility is unable to set the context to %s.\n END_OF_MSG_FILE TRANSPARENT_PROMPT NW_COMBO NW_STRING NW_TEXT